Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day Twenty Nine

There's a couple of people that I want to dedicate this book to. The people that I want to dedicate it most to is Mr. Prier's seventh hour. Even if you guys did not inspire me directly, it was indirectly that you all helped to give ideas from your own ideas. Through the pecha kuchas, the blogs and even the animotos, you've all given me ideas and thoughts that I've probably would have never thought of. Everyone has their own way of thinking that had some sort impact on my project. Besides you all know the experience of writing a book and keeping a blog just like I did.

The next person I would like to dedicate it to is my brother, Yia Yang for helping with my illustrations. I know I have a not of illustrations to do, and I can't tell how much I appreciate him helping me out with my project. That's what big brothers are for.


  1. team works is what it is all about, im glad you dedicated it to everybody in the classroom you've taken this dedication a step farther then expected

  2. I remember Yia's wonderful illustrations for the Huck Finn road map project. That will be a wonderful dedication. You can also have his name in the byline under your name "written by" and "illustrated by" which makes for a wonderful family adventure.

  3. It is a such a good idea to dedicate it to the class and your brother. :) I'm glad we (7th hour) could help you out with your project.

  4. You are so thankful for others even when no one thanked you directly. Very open minded, you are a great inspiration on many people. Great Job! =)
